Matthew Gilson
Chartered Legal Executive
Matthew qualified as a Chartered Legal Executive in 2016 and joined Stonegate Legal in August 2020 but has over 14 years of experience working in the legal profession having started in 2007, specialising in Personal Injury Trusts and Court of Protection deputyship clients from the beginning of his career, to date.
Matthew has wide ranging experience advising clients with substantial compensation awards, and working with litigators in the course of settling their claims. Matthew also has extensive experience advising both professional and lay trustees and deputies charged with managing the finances of clients both young and old, with a broad range of needs and a broad range of challenges they face. Matthew is regularly asked to advise on the setting up and management of trusts, powers of attorney, and various Court of Protection applications including gifts, trusts, deputyship appointments and more.
Matthew’s current caseload consists of victims of financial abuse, clients either in receipt of substantial compensation awards, or those in the process of their claims still being litigated, and within that remit, includes work in securing the appropriate statutory support such as NHS Continuing Healthcare and Direct Payments.